Friday, January 11, 2013


few days after,
sitting on sofa,blogging in a my dark living room,
it's kinda....romantic==
these few days,
a stupid presentation drawing,i just gt 3 out of 10,it spoils my mood exactly.
im afraid i cnt get the tuition fee discount,for me,i just wanna use it for travelling,arhhh
archi.history will be having a trip to sarawak probably.
always struggling on design, last project of this sem,a portable,movable shelter,to fill in a person.
have to waste so much money again to buy all materials, and lastly the most important part, presentation board. judges were just simply taking a look on it or even terribly they dont bother about how's your design and keep censuring you and your board,'what kind of board is this?' ...
life is always not under our expectation.

Enjoying chating with somebody until 1.30.
and, ya,a lovely webcam tonight. haha.
when someone put so much of cares on the thing you gave her,even it's small,and she carries it every day and's your feeling. great,and....getting deeper,haha.
llife is always touched by someone  ,hopefully you're touched by me tooooo.

friday again.

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