5 days of holidays,
being occupied by her, met her nearly every day here,
pityingly she sick since few days ago,
first day,first meeting after a month.hope you like my silly action and herbal tea.
sec day,first lunch after a month.totally ignore the nice pizza,it's really a good restaurant,macoporlo kitchen.
was worrying about her leg,hopefully getting well soon.
third day, first time i try the strange bean,haha,you're cute when biting it. first time,you feel it.
forth day, tiramisu night, freaking greentea tiramisu, candles.
a real man respects his girl and protects her.
fifth day, eyes on you, every single second, i'll never forget what you've told me. and thanks for our photos.
2 weeks after today,would it still last,i wonder.
you're lovely.
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